Service Fusion allows text messages to manually and automatically be sent to Customers and Field Workers. All text messages sent via Service Fusion are SMS text; the system does not currently support sending or receiving MMS text messages.
Text messages can be sent automatically using Reminders and Preset Reminders, to both Customers and Field Workers. Other automatic text messages include the On The Way text message notification sent to customers when the field worker updates their status to On The Way.
Text messages can be manually sent to Customers by clicking their phone number anywhere it appears as a link. Click the phone number, then the Send Text button. Then, type your message to the customer and click send! A message will appear "The message is queued to send out", and will fade away. Your text has then successfully gone to your customer!
To send a text message to a field worker, click the chat box icon next to the field worker's name on the Dispatch Grid. Type the message into the box, then click Send. Just like when texting a customer, a message will appear "The message is queued to send out", and will fade away. Your text has then successfully gone to your field worker!
When your customer or field worker replies, anyone logged into Service Fusion will hear a chime and receive a notification on the top right corner of the screen.
You can click the chat bubble to preview the text message.
You can click on the reply, or click View Read Messages to view your texting history!
Text messages can also be sent directly from the Text Message Communications screen, by clicking the Customer or Field Worker's name/phone number to bring open their text conversation.