Internal notifications are incredibly useful to help staff stay in the know of daily business occurrences. Users can be notified via text message or through the notification icon within the Service Fusion header.
To access Notifications you will navigate to My Office > Notifications.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Upon landing on the Notifications page, you will first see the Notification Templates tab, which holds all templates that can possibly trigger a notification.
- Area: Estimates/Invoices/Jobs
- This will indicate where in the workflow the notification will be triggered
- Rule Name: the name assigned to the notification
- Content: the message included in the notification
- Send To: the internal user(s) that will receive the notification once triggered
Please click the above image to enlarge
The second tab will display "My Notifications", which are all of the notifications that the current logged in user has received that have not been deleted. These are also visible when clicking the bell icon in the top right of any Service Fusion screen. Both will be listed with the most recent notification at the top.
Please click the above image to enlarge
There are three types of notifications you can create: Estimates, Jobs, and Invoices. To create a new notification, click the "+ New" button next to the type you wish to create the notification for.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Once you have selected which type of notification to create, you will see a version of the screen below. The initial Conditions shown are specific to each type as we display the most relevant fields for a Job, Estimate, or Invoice. Most, if not all, fields associated to each type are available to set as a Condition.
Rule Alert Name is the title shown for this notification when sent to the assigned individual(s).
Please click the above image to enlarge
Conditions is where the main criteria is set for each notification. The three columns in this section represent the Fields, Operators, and Input Values.
The initial list shown are the main fields associated to the chosen type. To set a condition based on one of the default fields listed, select the Operator and Input Value.
To add another field that is not in the default field list, click on the "+ Add Condition" button at the end of the Field column. A dropdown box will appear with the full list of fields associated to that type.
Please click the above image to enlarge
These allow you to set specific criteria against your field requirements. Some common options are Equals, Does Not Equal, Contains, Does Not Contain, Changes From, and Between. Each field has relevant operators that are available to select from; all operators are not available for every field.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Input Values
This column is where you specify when you do and do not want to receive a notification by setting specific field value criteria. Each field's Input Values can be entered or selected as it typically would throughout Service Fusion.
- Dropdown Selections - if the field has an available list of values to choose from that have been established by the company, the Input Value will be a dropdown with all available values shown
- ex. Job Status input values will pull from the list of Job Statuses created by the company under My Office -> Estimate & Job Statuses
- Smart Text Entry - if the field is does not have a set list of values to pull from but does have a larger list of values associated, you can type in a minimum of three characters and a list of values for that field that contain the 3+ typed characters will be displayed in a dropdown
- ex. Parent Customer input values will pull from the full list of parent customers and display those that contain the three characters typed
- Text Entry - an open ended text entry field, any value associated to that field value typed will be included/excluded appropriately
- ex. Zip Code input values are open to type whatever value you decide, any zip code containing the typed value will be included/excluded appropriately
- Date Selection - for date/time fields, you can select a "Specified Date" from a calendar, type a date in the text area, or choose from a preset list of time ranges such as "Yesterday", "This Week", or "Last Quarter"
Please click the above image to enlarge
To delete any field line that you no longer want to include, click the red X to the right of that line.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Actions is where you decide who will receive this notification and how they will receive it.
The dropdown will include all active employees and employee groups for the company. You are able to select any combination of employees or employee Groups to send the notification. If a Group is selected, all employees in that group will be sent the notification.
- Groups refer to the Group Assignment found within a user's My Office > Workforce Management profile under the Employment tab:
Please click the above image to enlarge
Here you will choose how the selected employees will be sent the notification. The two options are web notification and text message.
- Web Notification - sent in the browser, currently unavailable for Worker App. For a full list of web notifications you can either check My Office -> Notifications -> My Notifications or the bell icon in the top right of the header
- Text Message - the phone number on file for the selected employees will automatically populate in the Phone Number field. If a phone number is not on file for that employee, the Phone Number field will be highlighted red stating there is no Phone Number on file.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Notification Message is the full message that will be sent to the receiving user, either via internal notification or text message. There is a 100 max character limit.
You can freely type any message or include tags that are located in the far right column by dragging and dropping them into the message, or by double clicking the tag within the tag bank for it to populate where your cursor is located. Custom Fields for Jobs and Estimates are also available in the tag options.
Please click the above image to enlarge
You can view all notifications sent via "Web Notification" under the My Notifications tab and under the bell icon in the top right of the header. Both will list the notifications by the order they are received, with the most recent notification at the top of either list.
If you click on a notification via the bell icon, you will be directed to the associated object that triggered the notification.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Object Specific Criteria
To create a new notification rule for estimates, click the "+ New" button under Create New Rule -> Estimates.
Below are the fields automatically available to establish an Estimate Notification Template:
- Status
- Category
- Customer
- Line Item(s)
- Opportunity Owner
- Parent Customer
- Requested On Date
Below are the fields available to establish an Estimate Notification Template by "+ Add Condition":
- Primary Contact Name
- Primary Phone Number
- Primary Email
- Service Location Address (all fields)
- Assigned Techs
- Estimate Total Cost
- Description
- Gross Profit
- Note to Customer
- Note for Techs
- PO#
- Referral Source
- Opportunity Rating
- Tags
- On Site Visit Date
- Notes for Techs
- Follow-Up Tasks
- Estimate Custom Fields (specific to the company)
To create a new notification rule for jobs, click the "+ New" button under Create New Rule -> Jobs.
Below are the fields automatically available to establish a Job Notification Template:
- Status
- Category
- Customer
- Line Item(s)
- Parent Customer
- Date
Below are the fields available to establish a Job Notification Template by "+ Add Condition":
- Additional Site Visits
- Agent/Rep
- Arrival Time Window
- Completion Notes
- Estimated Duration
- Primary Contact Name
- Primary Phone Number
- Primary Email
- Service Location Address (all fields)
- Description
- Gross Profit
- Job Source
- Job Priority
- Note for Techs
- PO#
- Referral Source
- Repeat This Job
- Opportunity Rating
- Tags
- On Site Visit Date
- Notes for Techs
- Follow-Up Tasks
- Job Custom Fields (specific to the company)
To create a new notification rule for invoices, click the "+ New" button under Create New Rule -> Invoices.
Below are the fields automatically available to establish an Invoice Notification Template:
- Status
- Customer
- Date
- Line Item(s)
- Payments
- Total Amount
Below are the fields available to establish an Invoice Notification Template by "+ Add Condition":
- Contact Address (all fields)
- Contact Email
- Contact Phone Number
- Customer Message
- Invoice#
- Job#
- Job Date
- Job Description
- Job Location
- Job Total
- Job Deposits
- Job Total Due
- PO#
- Parent Customer
- Payment Terms
- Sent By
- Sent On
Permissions are used to control who in the company has access to view, create, update, and delete Notification Templates. Permissions are found under Profile -> Access on the line item My Office > Notification Templates.
View: user can/cannot view the Notification Templates
Create: user can/cannot create Notification Templates
Update: user can/cannot update Notification Templates
Delete: user can/cannot delete Notification Templates
Please click the above image to enlarge
Please Note: that a user is able to view any notification that is sent to them regardless of permissions. Permissions only restrict the user from Notification Templates, not the receiving of notifications.