There are a few different ways to reset a password within Service Fusion! Please jump to the section that best applies to your password needs below! Please make sure to consider the Password Requirements when resetting/creating new passwords.
Reset Password from Log In Page
Reset Password for Other Users/Change Your Current Password
Reset From the Field Worker App
Reset Password from Log In Page
When viewing the initial log in page, click the "Forgot your Password?" option below the sign in fields.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Once selected, you'll be presented with a page that will request your Company ID, Username, and Email address associated with your account in order to send out an email with the link to create a new password.
Please click the above image to enlarge
The following message will appear letting you know that your request was received by the system.
If the system was able to find a match for the information provided, you will receive an email that includes a link to create a new password.
Reset Password for Other Users/Change Your Current Password
This will only be available to users able to Update Workforce Management in their System Access Permissions.
If you're currently logged in to your Service Fusion system and need to reset a password for another user or change your existing password, you'll do so from My Office > Workforce Management.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Once on the Manage Workforce Dashboard, click the edit pencil to the far right of the specific user you'd like to reset the password for, then navigate to the Access tab of the account. Once on this page, you'll select the option to Reset Password.
Please click the above image to enlarge
If you're resetting another users password, you'll get a notice on your screen letting you know you're about to reset their password and that the user will receive an email. Once confirmed, you'll receive a notice that the reset was successful. The email the user receives will look identical to the email received in the last section.
If resetting the password for the account currently logged in, you'll receive an overlay asking for the Current Password, then asking for the New Password.
Reset From the Field Worker App
From the home page of the Field Worker App after first logging in, click the three lines in the top right corner to expand a menu. Click the My Profile option.
Once viewing your information, click the Tap to Reset Password option.
The option to input your current password and your new password will then be given, much like resetting your password from the Back Office. Click Save and your new password will be in effect!
Password Requirements
In an effort to increase Service Fusion security, a set of password requirements has been introduced. There are five requirements that will need to be met upon password reset. These five requirements are listed below!
- Your password will need at least 10 characters to be valid. If your new password does not meet this requirement, you will be met with a notice in the password field:
- Your password will need at least one letter. This will prevent simple, numeric only passwords from being used. In the event that your password has 10 characters, in which none are letters, you will be met with a notice in the same password field:
- Your password will also need at least one number. If your created password does not have at least one number, but meets the 10 character limit, you will receive the following notice within your password field:
- These password requirements will also require a special character. If your created password has at least one letter and meets the 10 character requirement but does not have a special character, you will be met with a notice within the password field:
- Lastly, your password cannot be the same as, nor include, your username as listed within the My Office > Workforce Management > Access section of the user the password is being created for.
Once all of the above requirements have been met, you'll be able to successfully save your new password!
Please note: These requirements will not take affect until the system is prompted to reset a password (for yourself or another user), and when a new user is created within the Service Fusion system.
When resetting the password for another user aside from yourself, or creating a new user within the system, they will receive an email with a link to create their own password using the requirements listed above.