Customer History Section
Navigation: Customers > Customer List > (select customer) > History
Last 12 Months - Total Value of all jobs with a job created date that exists within the trailing twelve month period (sum value of all jobs with a created date less than or equal to 1 year from current date)
Lifetime Revenue - Total value of all jobs for this customer (sum job total for all jobs for this customer)
Total Jobs - Total number of jobs for this customer (count of unique job numbers)
AOV - acronym standing for 'Average order Value - this is not a time based constraint, just simply the average dollar amount of jobs (Lifetime Revenue / Total Jobs)
Current Balance - Balance to be paid for the jobs / invoices for the customer, as well as invoices for any sub accounts associated with this customer, where this customer is the billed parent account. (sum total due for all jobs and invoices where this customer is the bill to)
In the above example, the customer 'Test Customer' shows 1 total job, with an AOV of $70 and a current balance of $50. In this case, as the customer has 1 job with a job total of $70 dollars, the 'Last 12 Months' = $70; the 'Lifetime Revenue' also = $70, and, as 70/1 = 70, the AOV = $70 as well. The current balance is only $50 as this customer has paid a $20 job deposit, as seen below: