Step 1 - Create a new document template
Create a Custom Document in My Office > Custom Documents and give it a unique name. In the below example, we named our eSign template "HVAC Service Agreement". eSign document templates can be created under both Estimate and Job/Work Order categories.
Please note: The template name will be visible to both the internal system users and the customers.
Switch the eSign Document toggle to YES.
Once the template is set to be an eSign document, a new tag category will appear on the right side of the screen.
Step 2 - Populate the template
If you have a copy of your contract or legal document in a Microsoft Word or similar format, you can copy & paste the content directly into the custom document and make changes as desired.
Because this is a custom document, you can insert tags into the content just as you would into an estimate or a work order template. For example, you can insert tags related to customer, estimate or job total, line items of a job or an estimate and so on. Any tag provided on the right side of the page can be used throughout the document.
Insert one of the following tags where you'd like the customer or the technician to sign.
An eSign document can be one or more pages long and have one or more signatures per signer. The system will automatically assign each signature tag a unique identifier and will store it as a separate image file.
In the below example, the second page of the agreement includes the scope of work and an additional customer signature tag.
The following signature types are currently supported:
Step 3 - Preview and test
Click the Preview button at the bottom of the screen.
In the preview section, you will be able to see the tags used to reference signatures, along with the tags from the custom document translate to the estimate or job specific values from which the eSign document would be attached.
Step 4 - Create an eSign request email template
An eSign request is what the recipient will receive when you send them a document for signature. While you can populate the invitation manually each time, it is easier to create a canned template that can be reused each time you send out an invite; much like one would when sending estimate, work order or invoice emails from Service Fusion.
To create a new email template, go to My Office > Communication templates and click "+ New" under in the eSign Request category.
Sample template:
eSign request from {Company:Name}
Hello {CustomerContact:FirstName}:
Please click the button below to review and electronically sign the Service Agreement.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please reply to this email or call us at {Company:Phone1}.
Thank You,
Template view
Actual output when received by the recipient
You are now ready to send your first eSign document request!
Next article: Sending eSign document requests from estimates and jobs