eSign by Service Fusion is a service that allows you to convert any Custom Document into an eSign document template that can then be digitally signed by one or more signers.
It was designed to provide our customers with a basic alternative to DocuSign, EchoSign, or other similar e-signature services.
eSign functionality is included in the Pro subscription and is available as an add-on module to the Starter and the Plus subscription plans.
eSign by Service Fusion currently offers the following features and functionality:
- Turn any custom single or multi-page document into an eSign document
- Add one or more signature fields per document
- Sign on desktop or mobile device
- Send to one or more signers with different roles at the same time
- Send eSign requests directly from within estimate and job screens
- Create custom eSign request email templates
- Preview and download eSign documents as PDF
- Receive an email once the document is signed by all parties
The eSign by Service Fusion module requires the Custom Documents add-on; eSign is an extension of Custom Documents.
Next article: Creating an eSign document template