Whether it's Good, Better, Best or Option 1, 2 and 3, you can now give your customers the optionality they demand with a few clicks and keystrokes.
For the Service Fusion Worker App article, follow this link: Estimate options on the fieldworker app
Here is what this easy-to-use feature allows you to do:
- Create up to five estimate options within a single estimate
- Rename, duplicate, and archive (delete) options
- Email, print, or download estimates with options in a stacked or a side-by-side format
- Offer your customer the option to accept estimates online and collect their signatures digitally
- Convert one or more options into one or more jobs (Converting multiple options will result in multiple jobs - Only one option can be converted to a single job)
- Create custom, multi-page proposals using our Custom Documents module
Want to add options on your estimates? Click on edit and you will be able to add up to 5 options:
We can rename, duplicate or archive (delete) estimate options:
When emailing the estimate to your customer and you can include all the estimate options and can display them Side-by-Side:
Printing and downloading the Estimate with the multiple options, you can select which options you want to include and if you want it to be displayed Side-by-Side or regular:
What does the customer see when they are accepting the estimate online? They are able to choose which option they are accepting and add their signature of approval:
Ready to convert to a job? It's easy! Click on Convert to Job.
Select the estimate option that has been approved and convert it to a new job!