Add ability to schedule right from the calendar and dispatch grid.
If you right-click within an empty time window on either the calendar or the dispatch grid, you will see popup a window. That pop-up window gives you four choices: to create a new estimate, job, task or Time Off.
Dispatch Grid: Clicking here would schedule an Estimate, Job, Task or Time Off, for Amanda at 11 AM on December 19.
Calendar: Clicking here would schedule an Estimate, Job, Task or Time off on December 19 at 11 AM.
If you select Create New Job, it will take you to the create a job page. If you select Create New Estimate, then it will take you to create an estimate page. If you right-click on the Dispatch Grid, the date, time, and tech will be populated on the estimate or job. If in Calendar view, the same action will populate just the date and time. If you select Create New Task, it will take you to the Create a Task overlay. If Create Task is selected from Dispatch, the date, time, and assigned user information will be populated, but if done from the Calendar, only the date and time will be populated. If you select Create Time Off, it will take you to the Create a Time Off Request overlay. If Create Time Off is selected from Dispatch, the date, time, and assigned user information will be populated, but if done from the Calendar, only the date and time will be populated.