Receiving payment against an invoice as a result of a job performed is the primary goal of Service Fusion. While the creation of an estimate, job, and/or invoice is dependent on the back office user within the Service Fusion system, creating a payment can be delegated to your customer! To do so, you'll toggle some permissions in Company Preferences and add some information to your Communication Templates, then your customers will be empowered to pay their invoices directly online, thus allowing you to efficiently gather more payments at once!
The first step will be to navigate to My Office > Company Preferences and toggle the switch for "Allow customers to pay their own invoices online (if payment gateway is enabled)" to Yes. This will only work if you have FusionPay integrated with your account.
Second, we'll need to create Communication Templates utilizing the {Invoice:ViewOnlineLink} and {Invoice:ViewOnlineURL} tags. These will add a link specific to the invoice the template is sent from that your customers can click on to be taken to the payment portal:
If you prefer, instead of a link, you can add a clickable button. Copy and paste this code into your email template:
<!--[if mso]>
<v:roundrect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" href="{Invoice:ViewOnlineURL}" style="height:36px;v-text-anchor:middle;width:250px;" arcsize="5%" strokecolor="#ff2b33" fillcolor="#ff2b33">
<center style="color:#ffffff;font-family:Helvetica, Arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;">View & Pay Invoice Online →</center>
<a href="{Invoice:ViewOnlineURL}" style="background-color:#ff2b33;border:1px solid #ff2b33;border-radius:3px;color:#ffffff;display:inline-block;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:44px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none;width:250px;-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;mso-hide:all;">View & Pay Invoice Online →</a>
You can change the colors (the default above uses a red-orange background and white font) but please do not edit any other part of the code. In order to change the color of the background and font, you'll first need to Google the hex code of the color you prefer (or utilize the hex code for your specific company's preferred color) and replace the hex code within the source code outlined below:
Please click the above image to enlarge
Payment Options when sending the pay online link via email
If no action is taken, the default (no check in the checkmark box) is to only accept a full payment when paid via these online links. Per expectation, the Online payment portal will appear like this when no action is taken regarding these controls. We can see that reflected in the "Total to be Charged" field:
The two choices that are allowed in addition to the invoice total due are :'This Percentage' and 'This exact amount':
As an example of how the Online payment portal changes to allow these options for your customers, assuming a $50.00 invoice total due, with the option selected of 'this percentage' at 25%, would result in the payment portal allowing these selections:
If we were to utilize the "this exact amount" option, using the same $50.00 invoice total due and 25 for the exact amount, the online payment portal would reflect the following: