Clicking each widget will apply a filter to the Unpaid Invoice Dashboard and it will display only the invoices that fall within that time frame.
The Grand Total widget shows the value of all unpaid invoices, rather than just the Grand Total of those invoices that are past due.
It is important to note each widget reflects the total due on the invoices within the given time period. An invoice may have a partial payment against it, resulting in a difference between the invoice total and the total due.
These widgets round to the nearest dollar, so, for example, an invoice report may show the total current invoices valued at $1,663.45, but the widget would indicate $1,663.
Here is a breakdown of each widget:
Grand Total Due of All Unpaid Invoices
This widget represents the total due for all invoices that have not yet been paid in full. It is the sum of the total due for current invoices and total due for all past due invoices. This widget is the sum of Grand Total Due of All Past Due and Grand Total Due of All Current Invoices.
Grand Total Due of All Past Due
This widget represents the total due for all past due invoices that have not yet been paid in full. This widget is the sum of 91+ Days Past Due, 61-90 Days Past Due, 31-60 Days Past Due, and 1-30 Days Past Due.
91+ Days Past Due
This widget represents the total due for invoices that are past due by 91 days or more that have not yet been paid in full.
61-90 Days Past Due
This widget represents the total due for invoices that are past due by 61 through 90 days that have not yet been paid in full.
31-60 Days Past Due
This widget represents the total due for invoices that are past due by 31 through 60 days that have not yet been paid in full.
1-30 Days Past Due
This widget represents the total due for invoices that are past due by 1 through 30 days that have not yet been paid in full.
Grand Total Due of All Current Invoices
This widget represents the total due for all invoices that are not yet past due and have not yet been paid in full.