When setting up your Service Fusion account, it's important to be sure any possible taxes, fees, and discounts are added to the system for use on estimates and jobs. These can be updated, altered, and added at any time during your time with Service Fusion!
You can set up your Taxes, Fees and Discount by navigating to My Office > Taxes, Fees and Discounts:
Please click the above image to enlarge
The landing page has two tabs: Global Settings, and Tax/Discount Items.
Global Settings allow the user to decide when they want the Discount applied (either before taxes and fees, or after taxes and fees) and how many decimal digits to allow in the tax fields:
Tax/Discount Items allows the user to view the list of created Taxes, Fees, and Discounts, edit existing Taxes, Fees, and Discounts, and delete Taxes, Fees, and Discounts if they have not been used. If a Tax, Fee, or Discount has been previously used, it will need to be made inactive instead.
To create a new Tax, Fee, or Discount, select the +Add New button on the right of the table.
Please click the above image to enlarge
Begin by selecting a category; are you creating a new Sales Tax, a new Fee, or a new Discount?
Next, choose the type. Sales Tax will always be a percentage. A Fee may be a percentage, Fixed and only apply to certain products or services, or Fixed and apply to the grand total (subtotal + tax). Similarly, a Discount may be a percentage, Fixed and only apply to certain products or services, or Fixed and apply to the grand total (subtotal + tax).
If you select Fixed (product/service specific), please note whatever fee or discount amount you enter will apply per service/product. In other words, if your Fee is $2, and you have four products on your estimate, job, or invoice this Fee applies to, your total fee will be $8.
Please click the above image to enlarge
The name field is for whatever you'd like to call this item.
Important: If you sync with QuickBooks, you will need to create this item in QuickBooks as well, of the exact same type, with the exact same name. Taxes will need to have the same rate in both systems as well, or when an invoice is synced, it will default to the rate in QuickBooks, not Service Fusion. A tax in Service Fusion named "New York Tax" will not sync to QuickBooks, if the tax in QuickBooks is named "Sales Tax - New York". If "New York Tax" in Service Fusion is 5%, and in QuickBooks "New York Tax" is 4.75%, after syncing, the tax amount in QuickBooks will show 4.75%.
The Rate/Amount field is intelligent; if you have selected the Type as Percentage, there is no need to add a % symbol in that field. If the Category you have selected is Discount, then there is no need to add a - in the field; the system knows by selecting the type as a Discount, take subtract the amount, not add it. You can also choose to leave this field blank for Fees or Discounts, choosing instead to populate the Fee amount or Discount amount on the estimate, job, or invoice. One such example would be a "Manager's Special" style discount; this could be a variable rate based on what a manager feels is fair in the given situation.
Please click the above image to enlarge
The Auto Add toggle will apply this Tax, Fee, or Discount to all estimates and jobs. The Is Active toggle will allow you to mark a Tax, Fee, or Discount inactive if you no longer use it. The Applies To Flat Rate toggle will indicate if this tax, fee, or discount will apply to your flat rate items (if Profit Rhino integration is active).
Finally, you can select which Service and Products this Tax, Fee, or Discount applies to. Use the Double Arrow button to move everything from available to selected, or click specific services or products and move them from available to selected by using the Single Arrow button.
For example, you may only tax products, never services. Leave all of your services in the available section, and move all your products to the selected section.
Taxes will have an additional section for Fees to apply the tax to; this will function exactly like products and services and you will need to select which fees the tax will apply to by moving the fees from available to selected.
Please click the above image to enlarge
There is no limit on how many Taxes, Fees, or Discounts you may have. When you have created your Tax, Fee, or Discount, click the blue Save button on the bottom left corner, and it will be available for use! Should you expand your Service Catalog or Product Catalog and add new items, you will need to edit your Tax, Fee, or Discount and move those new items from available to selected.