Product Updates
- Tax report data now calculates correctly when report is pulled over multiple periods of time
- Invoice Reminders properly sent to customers when reminder is triggered
- Progress Invoice emailed links now correctly display line items
- Technical cookie issue resolved
- Ported Numbers available to rename in dashboard
- Almost all invoiced products should sync to QBO regardless if one product errors during sync
- Invoice Dashboard widgets now display correct amounts
- Sales Tax Report now includes missing progressive invoices data
- Invoice Dashboard, specifically the Accounting, Unpaid Invoices, and All Invoices pages, no longer render 504 errors upon loading
- Estimates no longer duplicate create when double clicking Create Estimate button
- Street Address data no longer populates City field when selecting address in a dropdown
- Invoice line items display proper totals on print screen
- call flow no longer errors out or hangs up on customers when call flow reaches the decision of “Oops! The caller didn’t enter something right”
- Pinned notes automatically populate and save to estimates prior to saving
- Invoice Dashboard Recurring Invoices widget correctly calculates Invoice Total values instead of Invoice Total Due values